Why it sucks to be a lefty

Now we all know there are some points in history that really didnt take too kindly to people who used the other hand, and infact the world today isnt really that keen on them either! With the permanent smudge of ink on the side of the hand, to damn tin openers that might as well be sent from the devil himself!
But here are 7 bigger reasons why it really does suck to be a leftie.
1, No ones does studies on you!
How many times have you read ‘new study on brain shows…’ well a sad fact is that if you are left handed the research and results are most likely completely irrelevant to you.  Its a pretty common fact that if you are left-handed your brain is wired differently to the rest of the population and as researchers want their results to be accurate they dont include lefties in the study. But if it makes you feel any better it wasn’t until  President Clinton made in mandatory in the USA that women be part of clinical studies like men! As Obama is a Leftie maybe we can hope for the same fate?
2, They are more likely to Hit the Bottle
Way back in the days before the internet (1970’s) there was an observational study done in to the link between alcohol and pretty much everything! One thing they ‘observed’ is that lefties are more likely to be drunk skunks than right handed people. There was no scientific evidence that this was true so was pretty much washed off as a hippy project with no real substance. A study was later done on alcohol and this time lefties were noted to drink more often and in larger quantities to righties. So maybe there was something to the original study, as excessive alcohol consumption can lead to physical dependence.
3, They earn less
Ok so there is no ‘proof’ to this claim as some studies have shown no correlation between the hand you use and how much money you make. Others state as much as a 10% difference in pay between the left and the right, the study at Harvard University said it maybe in part down to the fact that lefties as less likely to finish college than right handed people. Although the left handed people have been repeatedly claimed to have a higher IQ they score lower in Maths and reading skills than the right handed.  Men fair better with there being little to no difference in pay while women suffer a lot for being left handed in the workplace.
4, Dont take them to a Horror movie
Queen Margaret University in Edinburgh did a study which focused on lefties and righties watching clips from Silences of the Lambs- after everyone was interviewed to talk about the film and some of the scarier scenes. The result? Lefties gave a more disjointed and inaccurate view of the clips with higher amounts of repetition. They already knew that lefties are more on edge than righties to start with so its not much of a jump to them being easier to scare. The reason for this? Well the boffins thinks its because the right side of the brain controls our fear responses and in lefties it’s the more dominant side.
5, They go from Bruce Banner to the Hulk faster than Right Handed People
Now this fact has been known for ages but its only recently that they did any real studies as to why- the Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases theory is that because lefties brains are right side dominant the hemispheres interact more than right handed people. Ok so this sound like a good thing, it means that logic and emotion (left and right side of the brain respectively) get mixed together more often than they do for right handed people. Making things that others could deal with calmly and rationally- lefties are more likely to get all green and angry at.
6, Lefties are more likely to get Schizophrenia
Now this one really sucks! Scientists know that left handedness is all down to the genetics (they think) with you being 26% more likely to be a leftie if both your parents are! Boffins now even think they have narrowed it down to the exact gene that gives someone their left handed persuasion. The bad news? LRRTM1 the left handed gene also plays a big part (they think) in the reason behind Schizophrenia with the disorder affecting 1 in 100 people worldwide. A extra large 20% of these are left handed!
7, The World Hates you!
So not only are you being driven to drink, get paid less, have a clinical disorder and go all Hulk on people easier- but to top it off the world is trying to kill you!  Studies show that world wide lefties die anywhere between a few months to a few years before righties- assuming all other things are equal. Reason for this? Well maybe simply that the world isnt designed for lefties to live in… with everything being laid out for the righties out there they really have no hope. Statistically left handed people are 5 times more likely to die in an accident than right handed people!
So there you have it 7 reason why being left just isnt all the great! And sometimes downright sucks!